This local diagnostic of security is based on surveys run during the month of March 2016 in the urban commune of Dubréka and Coyah using representative samples of over 1'200 households per commune drawn using instructions of Coginta by the National Institute for Statistics of the Republic of Guinea.
The primary units for the sample are the "zones de dénombrement" (ZD) of the 2014 census. A minimum of 8 households have been drawn from the ZD lists by the NIS in all ZD of the communes. The size of the sampling by "quartier" is proportional to the size of the population in the quartier.
The households were identified by the Sector Chefs without the collaboration of whom the survey would not have been possible. 50% of the interviewed are females. The methodology to identify respondents consisted first in selecting randomely the gender then to gather the household members and select randomly the final respondent.
The enumerators collected themselves the GPS position of the hotspots identified by the respondents. When this was not possible, a specialized enmurator collected the point afterwards.