LOCAL DIAGNOSTIC OF SECURITY - Dixinn and Kaloum - Guinea (2016)

    Dixinn and Kaloum - Guinea (2016)

Technical Data

The data offered on these maps originate from a public opinion survey conducted by Coginta in August and September 2015 using a representative sample of households in the communes of Dubréka and Coyah.

The samples were created by the National Institute for Statistics of the Republic of Guinea using Coginta instructions and lists from the pre-census data of 2014. The total number of interviews by "quartier" was divided by the number of sectors and each sector was equally represented in the final sample. A randomized proportional number to the total of households were selected in each quartier and a gender quota was used to interview respondents in the households. Household were identified through the help of the chefs de quartier and the chefs de secteur. 1'201 interviews were  made in Dixinn and 1'209 in Kaloum. Respondents were 18 years old or over.

To ensure age representativity, enumerators gathered household members and used a randomize methodology to identify the final respondent.

The project has been financed by the American agency INL and was conducted by Coginta in an exciting partnership with PartnersGlobal.